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Millennium Goal
The Millennium Development Goals are now officially adopted by all member states of the United Nations. The release of this information was made at a meeting of heads of state and government from around the world during the World summit meeting in New York. In this regard, I would like to highlight some of the major aspects of this declaration. According to the document, the development goal is to “end poverty and restore health and education for the most vulnerable people and a healthy future for their children”. I would like to take up this issue at this point so as to provide some additional perspective on the development goals.
First of all, what is meant by the term poverty? The Millennium Development Goals refers to a group of eight development indicators which are: the HDI poverty metrics, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the health index, the access to basic services, the expectancy gap, the gender ratio, the ratio of children to adults, and the life expectancy. These indicators are used to identify the condition of development within countries, in relation to the Millennium Development Goal. The Millennium Development Goals thus cover areas that face the most critical problems during the coming years, when the population is growing significantly. The indicators are meant to provide a universal definition of poverty.

The Millennium Development Goals are quite ambitious in nature, especially compared to the previous MDG’s. For example, the SDG targets only child mortality, making it one of the most significant achievements in the development field. The SDGs also lay down the development priorities, which are to be considered for all member states for the implementation of their respective development plans. In this regard, it is important to understand that the Millennium Development Goals have not been agreed upon by developing countries themselves. This makes them less viable as targets for the overall development of poor communities.
The MDG refers to the Millennium Development Goals set forth by the World Health Organization and the United Nations. This represents a global consensus that is intended to be met through the coordination of its various policies and programs. It also requires the involvement and active support of all members of the organization, from every nation, in order to achieve these targets. It was established by the WHO and the United Nations, with the assistance of various developed countries, in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
The second Millennium Development Goal is to ensure that by the end of this century, at least fifty percent of the populations of the developing world are living in communities that can provide basic education, decent health, and decent employment. The development goals of this century are intended to eradicate poverty and develop infrastructure. The world bank was an active participant in the formulation of this landmark resolution. The development goals were later included in the MDG framework.
The Millennium Development Goals, according to the MDG framework, are three: to reduce the death rate through interventions, to bring down the health care expenses, and to improve nutrition. By the year 2021, the target is to reduce the death rate by two-thirds. By the year 2021, the target is to reduce health care costs by one-half. By the year 2060, the target is to have a world where almost all children live in communities that can provide the basics for healthy living, and where life expectancy is increasing. The Millennium Goal also calls for the reduction of childhood underweight, increases in literacy and school attendance, and increased use of highly efficient medical technologies.
The third Millennium Development Goal of the Millennium Council is to ensure that by the year 2021, the health costs of reaching the MDG targets are at least balanced out by the improved quality of life. Since then, the world has not met this goal yet. Since the Millennium Target was set, numerous efforts have been made to achieve it. Most notable among these efforts are the WHO/World Health Organization initiatives and the global freshwater environment program. However, environmental sustainability has been recognized as a separate challenge, and the Millennium Council has called for a set of new goals to be set for it to be achieved by the year 2021.
At this point in time, only three out of the nine Millennium Goals have been met. What are the areas of possible improvement for the remaining six? Public awareness is one of the challenges, as most people have become aware that environmental issues are the priority concerns of the present generation. Similarly, there are multitudes of different programs that could help reduce poverty and improve health, and these are neglected or no longer being properly implemented.